


1965年1一月份生,刚加坡远东工院读书公用设施原因学研究生。198七年3月文凭于成都工的技术学校选煤的技术,获工学文学士学历。198七年至199七年5月,同时任大冶稀有金属质板块板块不锈钢新司赤马山矿的技术工、装配车间主人、副矿长、矿长、党组副纪委组织部长;199七年5月至2007年5月,任大冶稀有金属质板块板块不锈钢新司铜录山矿矿长、党组副纪委组织部长;2007年5月至2007年一月,任大冶稀有金属质板块板块不锈钢新司党组副副纪委组织部长、纪委副纪委组织部长;2007年一月至2008年4月,任黄石市纪委副副纪委组织部长;2008年4月至2005年5月,任大冶市委副副纪委组织部长、镇长;2005年5月至2005年1一月,任黄石市委副女秘长;2005年1一月至201在一年5月,任黄石人们政局组织部长、党组副纪委组织部长;201在一年5月起,任英亚体育app 实业总部不足新司董监事长、总管理者,英亚体育app 实业总部不足新司、英亚体育app 混泥土股票价格不足新司党组副副纪委组织部长。2010年4月起,任本新司董监事。2010年6月起,任职新司副总经理裁。 Mr. Liu Fengshan, born in November 1965, obtained master’s degree in public administrations from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore . Mr . Liu graduated from Kunming Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in engineering, majoring in mineral processing in July 1987. From 1987 to August 1998, he served as technician of Chimashan Quarry, workshop manager, deputy quarry manager, quarry manager, and secretary of the party committee of Daye Nonferrous Metals Group. From August 1998 to August 1999, he served as a quarry manager of Tonglushan Quarry and secretary of the party committee of Daye Nonferrous Metals Group. From August 1999 to January 2002, he was the deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary to disciplinary committee of Daye Nonferrous Metals Group. From January 2002 to April 2004, he served as the deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Huangshi City. From April 2004 to October 2006, he served as the deputy secretary of the Daye Municipal Party Committee and the mayor of Daye City. From October 2006 to November 2006, he served as the deputy secretary- general of Huangshi Municipal Party Committee. From November 2006 to September 2011, he served as director-general and secretary of Leading Party Group of Bureau of Civil Affairs of Huangshi City. Since September 2011, he served as the Chairman and General Manager of Huaxin Group Co., Ltd., as well as deputy secretary the party committee of both Huaxin Group Co., Ltd. and Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. He became a Director of the Company in April 2012. He has been the vice president of theCompany since June 2012.
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