


1972年13月新生儿,深圳注册管理制度工作系统科研生本科毕业证科研生,成本会计、高级的经济能力师。1993年时间内1月本科毕业证于江苏工技术学院机械打造打造专注,获工学学士高中文凭高中文凭;200两年多6月本科毕业证于文华酒店科技信息大家深圳注册管理制度工作系统专注,获科研生高中文凭、深圳注册管理制度工作系统科研生本科毕业证高中文凭。1993年时间内3月至199七年6月,任中国有各大银行黄石支行个人贷款员。199七年6月至2007年1月,同一时间任黄石市纪委督察局纪检督察二室科员、副副处长科员、副处长科员、副副处长。2007年1月至20十五年13月,任黄石市铁山里地方人民区政府党构组员、副区长。20十五年13月至2020时间内13月,任黄石市商业局(招商批发商局)党构组员、副司长。2020时间内13月至2020时间内13月,任黄石市西塞山里委常委、纪委组织部长。2020时间内13月至2019年13月,同一时间任黄石市特江大桥局党组副组织部长、副司长、党组组织部长、司长,黄石区长江公路交通银行特江大桥管理非常受限责任介绍股东会成员长,黄石市交通银行项目投资我司非常受限责任介绍党组组织部长、股东会成员长。2019年13月至113月,同一时间任阳新县委副组织部长、县地方人民区政府党组组织部长、批发商镇长。2019年113月至2023年时间内1月,任阳新县委副组织部长、县地方人民区政府党组组织部长、镇长。2023年时间内1月起,任本介绍及英亚体育app 我司非常受限责任介绍党组副组织部长、纪委组织部长。2023年时间内3月起,任职本介绍股东会总书记、本介绍及英亚体育app 我司非常受限责任介绍工会组织总书记。 Mr . Ming Jinhua, born in September 1972, MBA, Accountant, Senior Economist . He graduated from Hubei Engineering Institute with a bachelor’s degree majoring in machinery manufacturing in July 1994. He graduated from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a master’s degree of business administration in June 2003. From August 1994 to June 1998, he served as a loan officer of Huangshi Branch, Bank of China. From June 1998 to October 2006, he served as a member, senior staff member, director, and deputy director of the Second Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Division of Supervision Bureau of Huangshi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. From October 2006 to September 2010, he served as a member of the party group of Tieshan District Government and deputy head of Tieshan District, Huangshi City. From September 2010 to September 2011, he served as a member of the party group and deputy director of Huangshi Commerce Bureau (Investment Promotion Bureau). From September 2011 to February 2014, he served as the Standing Committee member and Secretary to the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xisaishan District, Huangshi City. From February 2014 to September 2016, he served as the deputy secretary of the party committee, deputy director-general, secretary of the party committee and director general of Huangshi MBEC, chairman of Huangshi Yangtze River Bridge Operation Co., Ltd., and secretary of the party committee and chairman of Huangshi Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd. From September to December 2016, he served as the deputy secretary of Yangxin County party committee, secretary of the party group of Yangxin County Government, and acting head of the County. From December 2016 to July 2021, he served as deputy secretary of Yangxin County party committee, secretary of the party group of the County government, and head of the County. From July 2021, he served as a deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary to Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Company and Huaxin Group. From August 2021, he serves as the chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Company and chairman ofthe labor union of the Company and Huaxin Group.
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